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AEW Rampage 9/2/2022

Live from Chicago, with Jim Ross, Excalibur and Chris Jericho on commentary.  Don Callis was also at the dek for the opening match. 

Hangman Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds defeated The Best Friends & Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen) in the AEW World Trios title tournament (11:12)


Thumbs In The Middle Pointing Down

Danhausen isn’t at ringside for more than a minute before he is ejected by the referee for cursing Hangman Page. Cassidy and Page had a great exchange before tagging out to the Dark Order and the Best Friends.

There was way too much comedy in the opening. For instance, Page rescued Silver from a double superplex, and then cradled him like a baby. Silver got caught in the Best Friends corner and double teamed with the delayed vertical suplex during the split screen break.

After the break, the match found another gear and got pretty good. Page launched Silver onto the Best Friends on the floor, caught Cassidy with a fallaway slam, and then hit a plancha on the Best Friends. The Best Friends came back by chokeslamming Page through the ringside table. Reynolds got a near fall after a rolling forearm while the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega looked on in the back. Silver and Cassidy had a fantastic exchange. Cassidy got the near fall with a Beach Break. 

The Best Friends hit their triple team finisher on Silver (Cassidy spalshing off of Taylor and Beretta's shoulders, while they held Silver off the mat), but Page made the save. Page dumped Beretta and Taylor. Page hit an Orihara moonsault to the floor on Taylor. Beretta tried a top rope German on Page, but Page flipped through and landed on his feet. Page got the Dead Eye on Cassidy for a near fall. Silver and Reynolds went for their rapid fire finish, but Cassidy countered with a small package for two.

The Best Friends gave Reynolds the Strong Zero on the floor, and Taylor dropped Silver with the Awful Waffle in the ring for a near fall. Taylor avoided the Buckshot Lariat from Page, Cassidy flew in with the Orange Punch on Page, and Silver rolled up Taylor from behind and got the pinfall.  

Eddie Kingston cut a promo on Tomohiro Ishii ahead of their match on Sunday. 

Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) defeated Blake Christian (2:20)


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Christian looked impressive in his most high profile match with AEW so far. He hit an amazing flip dive to the floor. But it didn’t take long for Fenix to dispose of Christan, pinning him after a sitout tombstone piledriver.

– Lexi Nair tried to interview Hook, but Matt Menard and Angelo Parker interrupted. Menard promised they’d get a “taste of the title” on Sunday. 

Tony Schiavone replaced Don Callis on commentary. 

Ruby Soho & Ortiz defeated Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo (7:40)


Guevara and Melol are the AAA Mixed Tag Team champions, but this match is non-title.

Ortiz and Guevara started the match and it wasn’t long before the show went to the split-screen break. During the break, Melo pulled Soho down from the apron, wedged her arm between the ring stairs and the ring and kicked the stairs, reinjuring Soho’s arm. This left Ortiz alone in the ring to take a beating.

Guevara hit a gamengiri and got a kiss from his bride, but then ran into a powerslam from Ortiz and tags were made on both sides. Soho hit a series of headbutts on Melo, and Melo had to tag out. Ortiz got a near fall on Geuvara after a splash. Soho got the tag, and gave Guevara a headbutt. She went for a cazadora on Guevara, but Conti caught her and gave Soho a DDT. Melo and Guevara went for a double team suplex on Ortiz, but Ortiz flipped through the move and landed on his feet. Ortiz suplexed Guevara and at the same time Soho rolled up Melo for the pin, getting the upset win.

As a result of this victory, Soho and Ortiz are getting a shot at the AAA Mixed Tag Team Titles on Sunday during the All Out "Zero Hour" pre-show. 

– Lexi Nair interviewed Adam Page and The Dark Order. Don Callis interrputed to congratulate Page for screwing his friends over for money and power. 

– Mark Henry moderated a face to face with Athena and Jade Cargill. 

– Tony Schiavone interviewed Swerve in our Glory and The Acclaimed. Swerve cut a great promo here, tearing down the Acclaimed for Caster’s “stupid little raps” and Bowens’s body “giving out him.” Swerve said he was the rock, and last time he checked, rock beat scissors. 

– Wardlow and FTR did an in-ring promo. Harwood got the mic and started with his usual “aw shucks” promo, then began to address “the journalists who are asking why we are even having this match” (the six man tag on Sunday). Apparently this random six man will really add to Harwood's legacy. Soon the Motor City Machine Guns came out and talked about how they have the respect of the AEW locker room and throw some shade at Chicago. Sonjay Dutt asked if Harwood will fight like his “eight year old little brat.” This set Harwood off, who was held back by Warldow and Wheeler. This was kind of a meandering promo for the 7th or 8th most important match on the card.

Ricky Starks defeated QT Marshall (7:10)


Thumbs Up

This match started out in the back, where Starks showed that he’d barricaded the other members of The Factory in their locker room. They brawled through the crowd and into the ring, where Starks dominated as the show went to their last split screen break.

Starks hurt his neck on a superplex he delivered, but was still able to deliver a overhead throw and a spinning DDT for a near fall. The Factory managed to escape , and while Aaron Solo distracted Starks, Nick Comoroto slipped Marshall a watch to use as a weapon. Starks speared Solo off the apron, then took out the Factory members on the floor.

Back in the ring, Marshall hit a Diamond Cutter for a near fall. Marshall went for the Cross Rhodes, but Starks avoided it and hit the spear. Starks delivered the roshambeaux for the pinfall.

After the match, Powerhouse Hobbs ran in to brawl with Starks, and they had to be separated by the cadre of officials. While that was going on, Bryan Danielson came to the commentary table to confront Chris Jericho as the show went off the air. 

Final Thoughts: 

The second half of the opener was prety good, but the rest was just a show. 

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